Eastern College Australia – new unit
Posted on 16 August 2017
I'm genuinely excited about this new class I will be leading in September this year....
Eastern College Australia is offering you a unique opportunity to take some time out of your busy schedule to reflect on your Spiritual Journey.
Monday 25th September – Friday 29th, 2017
As Christian workers, we rarely have time to stop and reflect on our own lives…. We are so busy taking care of what needs to be done, that we often find it impossible to prioritize time for our own spiritual self-care. However, Pastor and Theologian Dallas Willard suggests that the only way to last the distance in ministry is to “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life” and take time for personal and spiritual reflection.
This unit, entitled “Spirituality for the Profession” has been created with that goal in mind:
- Five days of self-enrichment, academic exploration, relevant learning, group sharing and personal reflection will provide the much-needed injection of energy and purpose for your ongoing ministry.
- You will spend time reflecting on your own Spiritual Journey to date and gaining a fresh appreciation of God’s sovereign design in your life and ministry.
- You will be equipped with tools to help yourself and others to identify and navigate challenging faith formation stages, as well as gaining invaluable insight as to how to companion others through times of spiritual darkness, doubt and uncertainty.
- You will participate in two days (Wednesday evening till Friday) of sanctuary at a beautiful country retreat center where you will have opportunity to slow down your life and breathe while walking in the footsteps of generations of ancient Christ followers.
As part of the Masters in Practical Theology, this unit can either be taken as credit towards your final degree, or if you would like to enrol as an audit student, you can take part in the class without undertaking any of the formal assessment tasks.
Please email Sue Grechko: sgrechko@eastern.edu.au or Angelo Cettolin: acettolin@eastern.edu.au or telephone Eastern College on 03 9790 9200 for further details.
Dr. Lynn Moresi is a lecturer in Practical Theology at several Christian colleges and universities here in Australia and overseas. She is also a popular itinerate speaker who regularly shares at conferences and churches, particularly ministering in the areas of the prophetic and spiritual formation. Lynn is based at CityLife Church in Melbourne, where she pioneered the “School of Ministry” internship program and currently serves on the Teaching/Preaching Team across four Melbourne campuses.